Who is suitable for short chin surgery?


Bimaxillary surgery

Cases where short chin and malocclusion need to be improved simultaneously


Chin tip surgery

If the chin is not severly short

Q. Bimaxillary Surgery,
why at Girin Plastic Surgery?

Bimaxillary surgery not only addresses functional issues by repositioning facial bones but also enhances aesthetic perfection.

While post-surgery sagging is commonly expected in orthognathic surgery, Girin Plastic Surgery distinguishes itself by actively addressing and improving this concern.

The collaborative effort of plastic surgeons and oral and maxillofacial surgeons at Girin Plastic Surgery ensures delivering high-quality results.

Who is suitable for short chin surgery?


Bimaxillary surgery

Cases where short chin and malocclusion need to be improved simultaneously


Chin tip surgery

If the chin is not severly short

Q. Bimaxillary Surgery, why at Girin Plastic Surgery?

Bimaxillary surgery not only addresses functional issues by repositioning facial bones but also enhances aesthetic perfection.

While post-surgery sagging is commonly expected in orthognathic surgery, Girin Plastic Surgery distinguishes itself by actively addressing and improving this concern.

The collaborative effort of plastic surgeons and oral and maxillofacial surgeons at Girin Plastic Surgery ensures delivering high-quality results.

Surgery Info


3 hours


3 days


General anesthesia


Not required


3 weeks

Q. Is dental correction required before bimaxillary surgery?

Girin Plastic Surgery does not necessarily recommend pre-operative dental correction to bimaxillary surgery patients.

Girin SFA System

What is Girin SFA (Surgery First Approach) System?

Utilizing the know-how and technological advancements of Girin Plastic Surgery, our system anticipates post-surgery teeth alignment and executes corrective measures without the need for pre-surgery adjustments.

The SFA system not only ensures patients achieve highly satisfactory results but also contributes to shortening the treatment period.

Transparent & convenient 
invisalign braces

A surgical approach tailored to the patient's needs, rather than the doctor's convenience. 

Bimaxillary surgery methods include SSRO (Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy) and IVRO (Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy) methods.

Girin Plastic Surgery utilizes 3DCT to conduct a thorough analysis of the patient's facial bones and symptoms, enabling precise surgical planning.

Stronger and safer with high-quality titanium fixing device

Improved strength

than current titanium plates

Safety approved by 

the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Beautiful jawline with FDA-verified absorbent material

FDA-approved bioabsorbable material

No separate pin removal surgery after surgery

Same surgical result

High strength 

comparable to titanium

No worries about 

surgery marks

No heterogeneity 

and rejection

Postoperative Process of Bimaxillary Surgery at Girin

Reasons to choose Girin Plastic Surgery for Bimaxillary surgery

Q. Is dental correction required before bimaxillary surgery?

Girin Plastic Surgery does not necessarily recommend 

pre-operative dental correction to bimaxillary surgery patients.

Girin SFA System

What is Girin SFA (Surgery First Approach) System?

Utilizing the know-how and technological advancements of Girin Plastic Surgery, our system anticipates post-surgery teeth alignment and executes corrective measures without the need for pre-surgery adjustments.

The SFA system not only ensures patients achieve highly satisfactory results but also contributes to shortening the treatment period.

Transparent & convenient invisalign braces

A surgical approach tailored to the patient's needs,
rather than the doctor's convenience.

Bimaxillary surgery methods include SSRO (Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy) and IVRO (Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy) methods.

Girin Plastic Surgery utilizes 3DCT to conduct a thorough analysis of the patient's facial bones and symptoms, enabling precise surgical planning.

Stronger and safer with high-quality 

titanium fixing device

Improved strength than current titanium plates

Safety approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)