What are blood stem cells?

These are undifferentiated cells extracted from blood. Blood stem cells have excellent regenerative ability, as they can differentiate into specific tissue cells such as muscle, neurons, and skin cells at the required area.

Blood stem cell therapy is recommended for individuals who:

  • Have dry, dull skin and increased wrinkles

  • Experience excessive dryness and flaking due to an imbalance in skin's oil and water levels

  • Have severe redness

  • Suffer from severe atopic dermatitis or skin troubles

  • Need skin regeneration due to damaged skin

What are blood stem cells?

These are undifferentiated cells extracted from blood. Blood stem cells have excellent regenerative ability, as they can differentiate into specific tissue cells such as muscle, neurons, and skin cells at the required area.

Stem Cell Treatment Process

One-on-one consultation 

with a medical specialist

Autologous blood collection

Stem cell extraction

Skin or Intravenous injection

Girin Stem Cells

We only use the highest quality stem cells.

At Girin, we do not use low-quality kits that have not been proven safe.

We only use stem cells that have been approved.

Girin exclusively utilizes stem cells and treatment methods that have been recognized for their safety and efficacy.

We eliminate the cell culture process.

This prevents potential risks of contamination and cell mutation during the culture phase.

Our treatments are safe and have no side effects.

By using your own cells and avoiding cell culture, we minimize the risk of inflammation and adverse reactions.